KGH Online Parents’ Course
A face-to-face KGHypnobirthing course (via Zoom or in your own home) is usually the best approach for most expectant parents, but sometimes this isn’t possible.
An alternative is the KGHypnobirthing online parents’ course.
This is a complete Antenatal Training Program available for you to stream online and in the comfort of your own home. Helping you to enjoy a relaxed and gentle birth. The course includes:
- 12 hours of streamed content
- Digital version of the best-seller: The Hypnobirthing Book
- Relaxation audio MP3s
- Dedicated private Facebook support group
About the Course
KG Hypnobirthing is soundly based on evidence and logic. It will signpost you through your pregnancy, empower you with the knowledge you need and teach you the techniques to support you through your labour. The course includes:
- How your body is designed to give birth with efficiency and comfort
- Very effective work to release fear and build confidence
- Understanding how the mind and body work together
- Breathing exercises
- Deep relaxations
- Visualisations
- Comforting massage
- How your birth partner can be your powerful protector and support
- Knowledge and information about pregnancy and birth that you are unlikely to be told anywhere else
- How ‘the system’ that you find yourself in works, and how to work with it to achieve the best result for you
- A simple practice regime to support you at home
Course Details
- 1. 19 lessons giving over 12 hours of streamed content
- 2. All the supporting documents you need
- 3. Full access to all videos and documents for 1 year
- 4. Course price: £45 paid directly to KG Hypnobirthing*
You are welcome to view an introductory module for the course before you enrol.
If you feel, after completing the online course, that you'd like an in-person session to consolidate your knowledge and answer any questions we can arrange an Antenatal Consultation, in your home or via video link, at a time to suit you.
*This is an afiliate link - your contract will be with KG Hypnobirthing, not Lisa.